AMD Radeon HD 4770 On Linux
Starting with the latest Nexuiz 2.5 test, there was a noticeable difference between the Radeon HD 4670 and HD 4770, but between the HD 4770 and HD 4800 series the performance delta was much smaller. The proprietary NVIDIA Linux driver performed much better than the ATI Radeon ASICs at Nexuiz, which is likely due to a problem with the ATI Linux driver itself rather than with any of the graphics cards. Hopefully AMD's Linux OpenGL team will further optimize their driver for Nexuiz in forthcoming Catalyst releases.
In the World of Padman test, which is a game that uses the ioquake3 engine, the NVIDIA GeForce 9800GT again came ahead of the ATI competition. There was quite a difference in performance between the Radeon HD 4670 and Radeon HD 4770, while the HD 4830 and HD 4850 were competing with the 40nm RV740. The Radeon HD 4870 was about 12% faster than the Radeon HD 4770.
The NVIDIA GeForce 9800GT lost its ground when switching to the Enemy Territory: Quake Wars demo. This NVIDIA GPU that competes head-to-head with the RV740 was beat out by nearly 16% with the Sapphire Radeon HD 4770 at its stock speeds. Pushing the RV740 GPU to 830MHz led to a 3.6% boost in frame-rate performance. The Radeon HD 4770 had no problems outperforming the HD 4830 at Enemy Territory: Quake Wars and was nearly identical to the performance of the Radeon HD 4850. The Radeon HD 4870 was about 25% faster than the Sapphire HD 4770.