AMD Ryzen 5 8400F vs. Intel Core i5 14400F: 230+ Benchmarks For Sub-$200 CPU Performance
Not that sub-$200 CPUs are typically used for much in the way of HPC workloads, the Ryzen 5 8400F was the easy winner here in workloads like NAMD performing much better thanks to AVX-512.
In other HPC workloads like OpenRadioss, the Ryzen 5 8400F continued packing the greater punch.
In some HPC workloads the higher thread/core count was an advantage with the Core i5 14400F, but for those HPC workloads the CPU power consumption was much higher than the Ryzen 5 8400F.
The Ryzen 5 8400F continued running great across the various HPC-related workloads tested.