OpenSolaris Project Indiana

Written by Michael Larabel in Operating Systems on 1 November 2007 at 09:54 AM EDT. Page 4 of 5. 7 Comments.

The GNOME environment in Project Indiana includes all of the standard GNOME utilities and applications that is common to many Linux users -- even down to including GNOME Sudoku and other games. This release of Project Indiana also ships with GIMP 2.4.0, Firefox 2.0, Thunderbird 2.0, and Pidgin 2.1. The Evince Document Viewer is included as well, but there is no StarOffice, OpenOffice, AbiWord, or any other word processor that ships with Project Indiana. Come Spring, we imagine there will be. For the multimedia needs, there is the GNOME Sound Juicer, Rhythmbox, and Totem, while no codecs or Real Player is included in this release. Thankfully, Project Indiana is also Mono-free.

Regarding system tools in Project Indiana, readily accessible in Milestone 1 is the GNOME services manager, GNOME Print Manager, Network Admin, Baobab Disk Usage Analyzer, and NmapFE. Going back to making OpenSolaris more user friendly and familiar to Linux users, Project Indiana currently lacks an intuitive firewall/security management utility, a graphical package manager, update manager, and other tools.

ZFS is used as the default file-system, and the kernel being used in this first development preview release is from Solaris Nevada Build 75. Other notable features include GNU utilities in the default $PATH and bash as the default shell.

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