Mushkin HP-580AP Enhanced

Written by David Lin in Power Supplies on 21 March 2007 at 01:00 PM EDT. Page 3 of 3. Add A Comment.

Performance & Conclusion:

After having run some internal tests last December with this power supply, it was at that point we were quite satisfied with the performance of the power supply and then had proceeded to use it in our natural sub-zero overclocking. Throughout all of the tests we carried out with this power supply, we were very satisfied. The +12V monitoring via a calibrated digital multimeter was consistently around +12.06V while the +5.00V rail was stable at +4.99~5.01V. Outside of the performance of the voltage rails, the power supply had run quiet and we have no other complaints or other issues that we had run into. The Mushkin HP-580AP Enhanced supports dual PCI Express connectors for powering NVIDIA's Scalable Link Interface or ATI's CrossFire setups and the power supply should also perform fine with multi-core processors.

The modular cables with the power supply are also nice to see when it comes to greater cable management possibilities and overall the Mushkin HP-580AP leaves us being complaint free. The Mushkin HP-580AP is available for approximately $130 USD, which is not expensive for a high-performance power supply. However, if your system is truly top-notch, 580W simply may not be enough especially with the NVIDIA GeForce 8800GTX and the latest from the AMD Radeon X2000 series.

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