21-Way NVIDIA Fermi/Kepler/Maxwell/Pascal OpenCL GPU Comparison
I'll have some fresh AMD ROCm 1.5 OpenCL comparison results soon. While AMD's ROCm OpenCL stack is now open-source, it's not yet found readily available in any of the major distributions and still relies upon some out-of-tree components.
Hopefully we'll see NVIDIA's Linux driver pick up more OpenCL 2.0+ functionality in H2'2017.
LuxMark shows some driver/hardware oddities such as with the GTX 1070 coming out ahead of the GTX 1080, while the GTX 1080 Ti and others are in line with expectations.
Lastly is a look at the system power consumption on this i7-7700K box when testing the different graphics cards with these OpenCL workloads.
If you wish to see how your own Linux system's OpenCL compute performance compares, simply install the Phoronix Test Suite and run phoronix-test-suite benchmark 1705317-TR-OPENCLBIG36.
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