Zink OpenGL-Over-Vulkan At ~97% Piglit Testing Conformance

Piglit as the massive collection of OpenGL test cases for Mesa is up to seeing around 97% of them pass when running on Zink. This 97.1% current pass rate for Zink is over 40.1k tests passing of some 41.4k test cases, the pass rate is up by several percent this week alone thanks to the continued work by Mike Blumenkrantz on this GL-atop-Vulkan driver.
It is important to note though this is just the Piglit pass rate and not the OpenGL CTS (Conformance Test Suite). Zink is still behind on the OpenGL CTS front particularly due to hacks around its vertex handling, which Blumenkrantz is planning to address still moving forward.
Much of these recent Zink successes continue to be staged via his development tree but will hopefully see mainline Mesa soon. More details on the recent Piglit work via Mike's blog.