Vulkan 1.1.124 Released With Shader Clock & Timeline Semaphore Extensions

Beyond the usual assortment of corrections and clarifications, Vulkan 1.1.124 brings with it two new extensions:
VK_KHR_shader_clock - A joint AMD/NVIDIA extension to advertise SPIR-V support for allowing a shader to query a real-time or monotonically incrementing counter at the subgroup level or across the device level.
VK_KHR_timeline_semaphore - The VK_KHR_timeline_semaphore extension is worked on by all the prominent vendors and allows a new semaphore type that supports an integer identifying a point in a timeline. The timeline semaphore support allows querying the payload, waiting for a timeline semaphore to reach a defined value, advancing a timeline semaphore to the specified value, and related operations at the device level.
More details on Vulkan 1.1.124 via the GitHub change-log.
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