VK_KHX_multiview Ready For Landing Within ANV, VK_KHX_external_memory Lands

VK_KHX_multiview was introduced as an experimental Vulkan extension back during Khronos' GDC v1.0.42 update. This extension is similar to OpenGL's GL_OVR_multiview extension that was devised by Oculus for VR use-cases. More details back in Intel's Vulkan Driver Working On VK_KHX_multiview Support.
On Thursday was a third version of the patches by Intel's Jason Ekstrand. With the 13 new patches, Ekstrand ready is to merge them if there are no longer any objections. Implementing VK_KHX_multiview and the related SPIR-V SPV_KHR_multiview extension is just over 500 lines of code, mostly specific to the Intel ANV driver.
Meanwhile, a short time ago in Mesa Git, the VK_KHX_external_memory and VK_KHX_external_memory_capabilities and VK_KHX_external_memory_fd extensions were landed for Intel's driver as other GDC'17 Vulkan extensions.
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