GCC 9 Is Now The Default System Compiler Of Ubuntu 19.10

Ubuntu 19.10 (and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS) will be using GCC 9 stable as the default system compiler. The transition happened on Sunday with GCC 9 becoming the default compiler for Eoan. It's customary for Ubuntu to pull in new GCC releases with their xx.10 releases and to then carry forward that same version for their next xx.04 release, due to the GCC release timing generally coming too late for meeting their April release, and as such GCC 9 will be used for the Ubuntu 20.04 Long Term Support release.
GCC 9 reached stable in May in the form of GCC 9.1.0, the current stable version and what's now in the Eoan archive.
See our GCC 9 feature overview to learn about all of the changes for this annual GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) update.