Ubuntu 17.04 Now Available For Download

Ubuntu 17.04 is mostly an evolutionary step forward for the operating system, especially now with the abandoning of Unity 8 and convergence plans. The Unity 8 experimental session is much more usable on 17.04, but that doesn't matter much now. Exciting me the most about Ubuntu 17.04 is just having the Linux 4.10 kernel paired with Mesa 17.0 out-of-the-box. There's also X.Org Server 1.19.3 as a nice bump thanks to the GLAMOR improvements and more.
Ubuntu Server and Cloud images continued receiving improvements for 17.04 too, but nothing extraordinary with this not being an LTS release. Another pleasant change of Ubuntu 17.04 is the move on new installations from using SWAP partitions to just using swap files now, for saving space and being easier to manage.
That's about it from my consistent Ubuntu 17.04 daily testing. I'll have Ubuntu 17.04 gaming benchmarks and more to publish in the hours ahead. Ubuntu 17.04 is now available via torrents or the download servers.