Rspamd 2.0 Released For Advancing Free Software Spam Filtering
Rspamd 2.0 has been released as the newest version of this leading open-source spam filtering software and it's coming with plenty of changes.
The changes to Rspamd 2.0 are significant to warrant a version bump on their own but this does also mark a shift in the versioning for the project. With not having bumped the major version number in a while and relying a lot on patch level versioning, moving forward Rspamd will be doing just a "major.minor versioning scheme.
Rspamd 2.0 drops its external libevent usage to its own bundled libev implementation, shifting from Lua Torch to the KANN library for dealing with neural networks, the RBL module has been improved to the point it has now replaced the SURBL/Emails modules, Lua scanner improvements, and a wide variety of performance improvements.
On the neural network front, Rspamd 2.0 features a rewritten neural networks module making use of the KANN library and in the process many issues have been addressed. Some of the performance work for Rspamd 2.0 includes faster Base64 decoding, allow caching of complex maps, a settings fast path, Lua scripting improvements, and HTTP(S) keep-alive support.
More details on Rspamd 2.0 via
The changes to Rspamd 2.0 are significant to warrant a version bump on their own but this does also mark a shift in the versioning for the project. With not having bumped the major version number in a while and relying a lot on patch level versioning, moving forward Rspamd will be doing just a "major.minor versioning scheme.
Rspamd 2.0 drops its external libevent usage to its own bundled libev implementation, shifting from Lua Torch to the KANN library for dealing with neural networks, the RBL module has been improved to the point it has now replaced the SURBL/Emails modules, Lua scanner improvements, and a wide variety of performance improvements.
On the neural network front, Rspamd 2.0 features a rewritten neural networks module making use of the KANN library and in the process many issues have been addressed. Some of the performance work for Rspamd 2.0 includes faster Base64 decoding, allow caching of complex maps, a settings fast path, Lua scripting improvements, and HTTP(S) keep-alive support.
More details on Rspamd 2.0 via