"Open-Source Windows" ReactOS 0.4 Steps Closer With A Release Candidate
ReactOS, the open-source operating system aiming for binary compatibility with Windows programs and drivers, is finally closer to its next big release: v0.4.
ReactOS 0.4 has been talked about for more than a year and it's been a while since the last big update, but now it looks like ReactOS 0.4 is on finals with the first release candidate having been pushed out hours ago. If you are anxious for ReactOS 0.4, you can download RC1 right away via SourceForge.
ReactOS 0.4 has been working on better network/wireless support, sound support, SATA support, a new explorer interface, big memory management changes, and much more. Some of the ReactOS 0.4 work is mentioned via this features page and for more than one year this forum thread has been active with v0.4 discussions.
If you are curious what Windows programs are working out for ReactOS 0.4, there is this testing page.
More details on ReactOS 0.4 as they become available.
ReactOS 0.4 has been talked about for more than a year and it's been a while since the last big update, but now it looks like ReactOS 0.4 is on finals with the first release candidate having been pushed out hours ago. If you are anxious for ReactOS 0.4, you can download RC1 right away via SourceForge.
ReactOS 0.4 has been working on better network/wireless support, sound support, SATA support, a new explorer interface, big memory management changes, and much more. Some of the ReactOS 0.4 work is mentioned via this features page and for more than one year this forum thread has been active with v0.4 discussions.
If you are curious what Windows programs are working out for ReactOS 0.4, there is this testing page.
More details on ReactOS 0.4 as they become available.