Qt 5.15.4 LTS Release Now Available As Open-Source
Back in March marked the release of Qt 5.15.3 as open-source, one year after it was released to commercial customers of The Qt Company. Today a similar Qt 5.15.4 open-source release is now available, one year after its commercial release.
The Qt Company this morning announced Qt 5.15.4 LTS as open-source following the same year-long period of it just being available to paying Qt customers. The code is now freely available via download.qt.io.
The release notes outline the dozens of bug fixes found in Qt 5.15.4.
Qt 5.15.9 LTS meanwhile is the newest 5.15 long-term support release, issued last month, which we'll then see catch up as publicly available open-source code next year. Qt 6.3 meanwhile is the latest upstream open-source Qt6 tool-kit release as of April.
The Qt Company this morning announced Qt 5.15.4 LTS as open-source following the same year-long period of it just being available to paying Qt customers. The code is now freely available via download.qt.io.
The release notes outline the dozens of bug fixes found in Qt 5.15.4.
Qt 5.15.9 LTS meanwhile is the newest 5.15 long-term support release, issued last month, which we'll then see catch up as publicly available open-source code next year. Qt 6.3 meanwhile is the latest upstream open-source Qt6 tool-kit release as of April.