Help Celebrate The 14th Birthday Of Phoronix Next Week

As is usual around the Phoronix birthday time, there is a lot of interesting benchmarks and tests coming. Among the items currently worked on are more bleeding-edge Linux I/O scheduler benchmarks, our largest ever BSD vs. Linux comparison, coming up today is a 29-way graphics card comparison on Linux with the latest drivers featuring both new and vintage GPUs, fresh macOS vs. Linux graphics benchmarks, and even tests of AMDGPU+RadeonSI on Clear Linux now that Intel has enabled the open-source Radeon graphics stack on their operating system. Plus there will be other tests to come based upon premium reader feedback.
Now at nearly 14 years old, has provided more than 25,200 original news articles and more than 3,800 featured articles / Linux hardware reviews.
Beyond that, the finishing touches are being put on Phoronix Test Suite 8.0-Aremark for release next week to coincide with ten years since the release of Phoronix Test Suite 1.0-Trondheim. Among the changes in PTS 8.0 are completely rewritten Windows support that takes the Windows 10 / Windows Server 2016 support to enterprise/production-ready and is already being used by leading IHVs, much improved BSD support, easier test profile creation support, many Phoromatic improvements, and a wide variety of other enhancements. Phoronix Test Suite 8.0 is honestly by far the biggest PTS release ever done now in the past 10 years.
One of the original Phoronix desktop wallpapers, 14 years ago.
But for this to continue, we could rely upon your support -- especially now with ad rates suffering following the roll-out of EU GDPR regulations hurting the ad industry. cannot continue if not for pay-per-impression advertisements and premium subscriptions from our devoted readers as well as tips.
As our customary birthday offering, here's a birthday deal through the end of 8 June (regardless of timezone). Phoronix Premium is what gets you ad-free access to the site, multi-page articles shown on a single page, priority honoring of test requests / feedback, and other benefits.
Through the end of next Friday, 8 June, you can get Phoronix Premium at a discounted rate. Normally Phoronix Premium costs $35 USD per year or $150 for a lifetime subscription. For the Phoronix 14th birthday deal, you can go premium for just $25 per year or $100 for a lifetime subscription.
To take advantage of this deal, first ensure you are registered on the Phoronix Forums as the forums are what handles the subscription/user management aspect. There isn't any integrated sales support in there so the normal prices of premium subscriptions are listed there still. To get the discounted deals of $25 for a year subscription or $100 for a lifetime subscription, PayPal the amount of money to [email protected] (or you can use this PayPal link). Sending any amount extra will be treated as a tip, thanks! If you are already a premium member, you can extend your current subscription at the sale rates, just mention it in the email / PayPal message about your continuing subscription. Within a few minutes (or hours, if I'm sleeping), I'll manually have activated your forum account to premium status. If your payment email address is different from your forum's registered email address, please include your forum username when making the payment.
If you wish to pay via Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, or Ethereum, Payments can be sent here to the equivalent amounts. After sending the payments, email [email protected] to mention your username for the desired subscription or extension to the subscription. Tips as well are happily accepted via those crypto-currencies.
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