OpenShot 2.0 Remains To Be Seen

My last post about OpenShot 2.0 was one year ago when writing OpenShot 2.0 was still being worked on but they failed at their 2.0 beta goal from the previous Christmas, porting was still happening to Qt5, etc. While it looked like we'd see some OpenShot 2.0 progress in 2014, that's sadly not been the case.
A Phoronix reader wrote in this week to remind us of the situation:
What ever happened to OpenShot? We got an article last July, saying how they'd been quiet but progressing and new versions would be released soon.Indeed, the project has been very quiet. The most recent update to the OpenShot web-site was in July of last year when progress was still being made.
That was 7 months ago.
Not a single blog post, tweet, commit, release has been seen since. Is there any evidence the lead dev is still alive?
Mr Alien Overlord
[email protected]
OpenShot on Facebook meanwhile posted in October, "I am working on a big update for everyone! Sorry for the delay on news, it's been an action packed couple of months for OpenShot! Lots of updates coming soon! Thanks!"
Sadly, there's not been any more recent update since that point. Video editors remain one of the areas where the open-source solutions -- sans potentially Lightworks -- is greatly lacking and has seen so many projects fade away over the years. Could 2015 be the year of the Linux video editor?