Humble Indie "Frozenbyte" Bundle 3 Slows Down

The third Humble Indie Bundle crossed $600k in sales three days ago, but it has yet to even breach $700,000 USD in sales. As of this morning, it's at just $680,000 from 134,424 sales. The average price is at $5.06. This bundle has now been going on for one week and is half-way through the sale period. Those interested in purchasing this bundle to receive the Trine, Shadowgrounds, Shadowgrounds: Survivor, Splot, and Jack Claw games can visit
There's still seven days left to the Humble Indie Bundle 3 sale so it's likely it will surpass one million dollars in sales, just as the past two bundles have done: Four Indie Games Going Open-Source! and Humble Indie Bundle #2 Just Made One Million Bucks. Frozenbyte has also said they may open-source the Shadowgrounds games if some undefined milestone is hit (likely somewhere above $1M USD), but unless the rate of sales increase, they may have a hard time topping the $1.8M in sales achieved by the bundle last December.
This morning I've also notified the five winners of our Humble Indie Bundle #3 contest. Soon as they respond, they will receive their keys. For those that missed it, the contest was easy by following @Phoronix and @MichaelLarabel on Twitter and then tweeting a message.
You're still invited to follow both feeds, but the official contest is over for now. The @Phoronix account is the official Phoronix Twitter feed for notification of new articles, official discussions, etc. The @MichaelLarabel account is effectively the unofficial Phoronix feed maintained by myself where there's notes on upcoming Phoronix articles, items that didn't make it to being a Phoronix article or news item, and of course discussion about great (Bavarian) beers from time to time.
Some of these recent unofficial items include word that Radeon HD 6570 Turks GPU Linux benchmarks are happening and they're due out tomorrow, a big Ubuntu power consumption comparison going back to Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy LTS with all releases on numerous laptops is forthcoming (the results so far are surprising), a massive Ubuntu boot performance examination is also coming, and the latest talk on Linux Steam (regarding Portal 2 for Linux). More announcements to come via that channel.