Unigine Engine For Android Makes Its Debut

Unigine has announced support for Android-based devices, in particular for those running NVIDIA's Tegra 2 platform. To showcase this mobile graphics/gaming feat, Unigine Corp released an Android version of their Unigine Sanctuary benchmark, which is demanding on proprietary graphics drivers on Linux desktops, and also a new interactive game demo. Unigine Passage is this game demo available to Tegra 2 hand-helds, but is currently not for the PC.
Unigine Corp developers aren't starting and ending with Android on the mobile front, but they are also going to be working on bringing their powerful and scalable engine to other mobile platforms too. Below is the Unigine mobile interactive game demo.
A press release announcing the Unigine-Android launch from Barcelona's Mobile World Congress can be found at Unigine.com.
For those wondering about the state of Unigine OilRush, their premiere game that will be available for Windows and Linux operating systems around May, it's still on track. We posted updated screenshots and information earlier this month of OilRush running on Linux. We've also said in the past that Unigine Corp would provide beta access to those who pre-order the game. As such, there's been a lot of people asking me when the pre-ordering will begin. I've found out from Denis Shergin, the Unigine Corp CEO, that they hope to have pre-orders ready this week. Their issue has not been due to any development setbacks (or being busy working on the Android engine port), but bringing up a payment system, especially when being headquartered in Russia. They hope to have things ready in just a few days.