PTS Bardu Makes Its Alpha Debut

The first alpha for 2.2 Bardu also has the usual assortment of bug fixes and the introduction of some smaller features. With this Snow Leopard benchmarking, Phoronix Test Suite 2.2 Alpha 1 has picked up a number of new Mac OS X features and compatible test profiles too. This release is running quite well across Linux, OpenSolaris, BSD, and Mac OS X operating systems.
Phoronix Test Suite 2.2.0 Alpha 1 can be downloaded from the PTS downloads page. The next alpha release will come in mid-September while Phoronix Test Suite 2.2 final will come in November. Below is the official change-log between Phoronix Test Suite 2.0.0 and Phoronix Test Suite 2.2.0 Alpha 1.
Phoronix Test Suite 2.2.0 Alpha 1
August 27, 2009
- pts-core: Begin writing the results XML during the test run process earlier
- pts-core: When a test is running, save the active pts_test_run_manager to a pts_storage_object on the disk
- pts-core: Backup the XML results when a test is running to active.xml in the result's folder
- pts-core: Add recover-run option for recovering the test results / finish running the tests when a crash had occured
- pts-core: Fix bug with the result identifier being empty when using list-saved-results / list-results
- pts-core: Setup a pt2so object for storing some pts-core data using a pts_storage_object, move some of these items out of user-config.xml
- pts-core: Move out the modules that are loaded by a default to a separate file
- pts-core: Add support for writing to different display modes / abstract out the output process from the testing process
- pts-core: Drop the email_results module since using Phoromatic is a better solution
- pts-core: Add a display mode for batch runs or when DefaultDisplayMode in the user-config.xml is set to "BATCH"
- pts-core: Add support to allow anonymous usage reporting / statistics information
- pts-core: Add "free" virtual suite that contains all tests that are of a FREE type for its license
- pts-core: Multiple download cache directories can be specified in the user-config.xml and PTS_DOWNLOAD_CACHE environmental variable when delimited by colon
- pts-core: Move relevant functions that touch hardware settings / properties out of pts-core and now using the phodevi::set_property() framework
- pts-core: Fix check buttons for boolean values in the GTK2 GUI preferences window
- pts-core: Allow the display mode to be set using PTS_DISPLAY_MODE environmental variable
- pts-core: Add display mode support when a test is being installed
- pts-core: Add ArchitectureSpecific tag support to distro-xml files for specifying packages to install on only select architectures for the OS
- pts-core: Rework test timers to avoid false results on crashes
- pts-core: Improve estimated run time reporting when running tests
- pts-core: Handle the results identifer and saved results file name within the pts_test_run_manager
- pts-core: Add experimental support for weighted suites / results
- pts-core: Add "cache share" support for test profiles and the AllowCacheShare XML tag to expose this functionality
- pts-core: Add "Test All Options" to test menu when prompting for test option selection
- pts-core: Don't uselessly prompt a user for test options when trying to run an unsupported test
- pts-core: Allow the user to select multiple test options when running a test by delimiting each option with a comma
- pts-core: When using analyze-batch, support using bar graphs on comparisons where relevant, instead of just line graphs
- pts-core: Don't repeat reporting the system hardware/software for the same results identifier in a results file
- pts-core: Smarter detection when dealing with user trying to input a results identifier that is already found in the results file
- pts-core: Launch web browser (instead of DashCode) on Mac OS X for analyze-batch and merge-results command
- pts-core: Add remove-from-result-file option for removing a set of test results from a saved file
- pts-core: Don't report the elapsed time for a test run when it's using a cache share or no valid results were gathered
- pts-core: Stop forcing the time-zone to UTC
- phodevi: Be more non-RandR friendly in phodevi_gpu::gpu_available_modes()
- phodevi: Add infrastructure so that properties / settings can be set using phodevi::set_property()
- phodevi: Add CPU usage monitoring support for Mac OS X
- phodevi: Improve memory capacity detection on newer Apple systems
- phodevi: Don't repeat the memory reporting in GPU string on Mac OS X
- phodevi: Add sensor for reading system's uptime through system object
- tandem_XmlWriter: Don't add the "Generated" timestamp each time that getXML() is called, since it's now being hit multiple times with each test run
- pts_Graph: Properly order keys in the header when rendering
- pts: Add glibc-development as an external dependency for providing GNU C library development files
- pts: Add python external dependency for Python language
- pts: Add stream test profile for Stream memory benchmark
- pts: Add tachyon test profile for Tachyon Parallel Ray-Tracing benchmark
- pts: Add python-environment base test profile for placing external dependency on python and reporting Python version to test notes
- pts: Add pybench test profile for Python's PyBench
- pts: Add tscp test profile for the chess benchmark
- pts: Add chess test suite for test profiles that use chess AI
- pts: Add john-the-ripper test profile for John The Ripper password cracker benchmark
- pts: Add geekbench test profile for Primate Labs Geekbench benchmark
- pts: Add npb test profile for NASA NAS Parallel Benchmark
- pts: Drop test length option from ramspeed test profile, default to 10
- pts: Add Mac OS X support for openarena test profile
- pts: Add Mac OS X support to warsow test profile
- pts: In nexuiz test profile change from demos/bench1 to demos/demo2 for now
- pts: In video-cpu-usage test profile add support to use CoreVideo vo adapter on Mac OS X
- pts: Update graphics-magick test profile against GraphicsMagick 1.3.6
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