It's arriving a day late, but this evening Steve Langasek has announced the availability of Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Alpha 4. This is the fourth Hardy Heron alpha release and new in this release is the inclusion of the Transmission BitTorrent client, the Vinagre VNC client, Brasero CD/DVD burner, a world clock applet for GNOME, GVFS through GNOME 2.21/2.22, and a few virtualization improvements. We have already wrote about some of the
GNOME 2.22 improvements and the inclusion of
virt-manager in Ubuntu 8.04. More information on the Ubuntu 8.04 Alpha 4 release is available from the
Ubuntu Wiki. New Hardy Alpha 4 releases are also out for Kubuntu, Edubuntu, Ubuntu JeOS, Gobuntu, and Ubuntu Studio. More information on Alpha 4 can be found in the
release announcement.
The next alpha release, Hardy Alpha 5, is planned for February 21 while the final release will come in April.