Open-Source Driver Fans Will Love NVIDIA's New OpenGL Demo

Last month at FOSDEM was a presentation on the Nouveau Tegra K1 driver stack by Alexandre Courbot of NVIDIA. In there NVIDIA talked about their great experience working on this open-source driver and engagement with the Nouveau community, which will continue for future Tegra SoCs. That aforelinked article covered all of the important details of that presentation.
However, that earlier coverage left off one funny bit from the presentation that I forgot to mention until being reminded about it this morning... Alexandre adapted Linaro's glbenchmark to make it more unique. Usually the Linaro glbenchmark just shows the Linaro logo and Tux/penguins rotating around the screen. It's quite simple, but this Tegra developer decided to exchange out the graphics.
The NVIDIA logo is now the background and the Tux replacement is...
So in the end we have this as one of the simple Tegra demos to show off the open-source Tegra DRM + Nouveau Gallium3D driver:
If you didn't already and have extra time this weekend, you can still watch all of the FOSDEM 2015 presentations and go through our past coverage over the years.