Mesa Is Almost Back Up To 1.9 Million Lines Of Code

As of this morning, Mesa is at 5115 files that together have a total of 1,879,768 lines of code. There have been 83,063 recorded commits from 723 different authors / email addresses.
Some months this year the number of commits have been rivaling those of 2010 during the heydays when the driver development started ramping up substantially and a lot of new code being worked on like DRI3, etc.
Half-way into the year we are at 5640 commits to Mesa. If this keeps up, the year should end with more than 10k (or perhaps even 11k) commits, more than the 9599 commits of 2015 and the 7059 commits of 2014. This year has seen 374,988 lines of code added and 202,424 lines removed.
Among the most prolific authors of Mesa this year include Marek Olšák, Jason Ekstrand, Emil Velikov, Timothy Arceri, Nicolai Hähnle, Kenneth Graunke, and Ilia Mirkin. Most months, the Mesa Git repository sees between 50 and 70 authors contributing. There have been 156 authors active on Mesa this year in total.
If you want to see more of these GitStats on Mesa, visit here.