Mesa 11.2.1 Is Coming With Fixes For Gallium3D Nine, VA-API, Hardware Drivers

Mesa 11.2.1 RC1 incorporates various Mesa bug-fixes backported from Git master for the recent Mesa 11.2 milestone, There are crash fixes for VA-API video acceleration, Gallium3D "Nine" Direct3D 9 fixes, a workaround for Warsow, and various fixes to the RadeonSI / Nouveau / Intel i965 drivers.
Meanwhile, all new feature development is focused on Mesa 11.3, which may very well become Mesa 12.0 this summer due to nearing new OpenGL support milestones. So Mesa 11.2.1 is nice for stable, production environments, but most Phoronix readers will be more interested in running Mesa Git for tasting Mesa 11.3 and its many features like OpenGL 4.2 for RadeonSI that's almost to OpenGL 4.3.
More details on the changes for Mesa 11.2 RC1 can be found via the mailing list announcement.
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