Rumors Arise Over State Of Steam Machines & SteamOS

According to an article published yesterday at GameSpot, they quote Origin PC CEO Kevin Wasielewski that "Steam Machine" is basically dead. The CEO of the high-end PC maker said, "I think that's kind of pretty much dead [about Steam Machines]. It's like a living room PC--is now the new term. Living room PCs have been around forever. That's not anything new either. But it seems like there's a legitimate demand and push for living room PCs." While that article is dismal about the state of Steam Machines, the Steam Controller appears pretty much alive and well and that's not being disputed at all. Based upon earlier information, it looks like Valve has finalized their controller design and will be showing it off soon.
Meanwhile, over at Tom's Hardware with an article this morning, they're claiming Steam Machines will launch at GDC 2015. Based on a rumor, Steam Machines along with the Steam Controller and SteamOS will be shown off at GDC 2015 in March. SteamOS is supposed to graduate from beta at that time.
We'll see soon enough and when I have some definitive information I'm able to share, I'll certainly pass it along. Let us know in the forums by commenting on this article what you think of SteamOS and Steam Machines and how it will materialize and be received by the gaming community.