Booting Ubuntu With Systemd Went Surprisingly Well

On an Intel ultrabook I had a clean install from today of the Ubuntu 14.10 x86_64 daily live image so I decided to go ahead and install systemd. Right now systemd in Ubuntu 14.10 is still at version 204, compared to systemd 214 that was released yesterday.
When installing the systemd package, the Ubuntu Linux installation doesn't immediately switch from Upstart to systemd but the init= kernel command-line parameter within GRUB2 needs to point to systemd. For instructions on playing with the experimental Ubuntu systemd support, see this earlier post with details.
When booting up the Ubuntu 14.10 latest image with systemd 204, the system (to some surprise) booted fine and I encountered no immediate issues. The laptop has been running fine since today and was pleased it was a trouble-free experience. Coming up soon I'll run some boot speed tests, etc. Still though it's worth reiterating that it's not yet clear when systemd will become the default on Ubuntu Linux, just sometime before the 16.04 LTS release.
Have any other Linux test requests? Let me know via Twitter.