More HiDPI Changes Land For GNOME 3.12

GNOME 3.12 is being released later this month but some HiDPI improvements are still landing late in the cycle. While the work yesterday was about GNOME Shell, the HiDPI improvements hitting today (so far) are for GNOME Settings Daemon.
- HiDPI support is disabled for displays less than a 1200px height since the developers say that isn't enough vertical real estate for GNOME.
- Support for HiDPI scaling on 4K monitors and fixing a bug with regards to text being double sized when running at a lower mode.
Speaking of Linux 4K graphics... For those curious about graphics hardware and driver support for driving 4K Ultra HD displays, see my 4K Linux graphics card review from a few months ago. I also happen to have new data coming out next week. This week I also wrote about the HiDPI experience on my new ultrabook with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, although Unity is also still working on more HiDPI tuning. We'll stay tuned to see what other open-source HiDPI improvements land in the coming days.