It's Now Easier Trying Out Xfce 4.11 On Fedora Linux

Xfce 4.11 development continues at full-speed for the ultimate Xfce 4.12 stable release. There's been many Xfce development packages released recently so now an independent repository has been established for those wishing to try out the latest Xfce unstable experience on Fedora 20 Linux.
A Copr repository has been setup with RPM packages of Xfce 4.11 components that can be used on not only Fedora 20 but also Rawhide. The Copr repository is still a work-in-progress with more 4.11 components still to be packaged, but it's moving along briskly. Details on this new development repository can be found via this blog post or the Copr page.
This is good news since it will still be many months before Fedora 21 is released. Due to this extended time between releases, GNOME 3.12 might even be brought to Fedora 20 as stable updates and right now can also be tested via independent repositories.
For Ubuntu Linux users, this Xubuntu PPA does have some of the Xfce 4.11/4.12 packages for testing. There's still no firm date for an official Xfce 4.12 debut.
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