Warsow Open-Sources Game Matchmaker Service

In a forum post earlier this month on the Warsow project site, one of the game's developers announced the opening up of Warmama.
Warmama is out under the GPL and provides other aggregate statistics though apparently the "matchmaker service" doesn't do any actual match making at all yet. However, it's apparently a popular feature request among their gamers. Warmama is written in Python.
The developers also added in a built-in HTTP server to the Warsow game engine for being able to serve file downloads and AJAX requests from clients.
This news is arguably less exciting than last month when there were some Qfusion engine improvements with several new features including the targeting of OpenGL ES 2.0 renderer support. Hopefully a new Warsow release will be pushed out soon with Warsow 1.0.x getting a bit stale.
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