New AMD Catalyst Beta Supports Linux 3.8, TF2 Fixes

While the Linux 3.9 kernel will be out this month, AMD isn't supporting that new kernel at this time. Rather, they are finally providing a Catalyst driver that supports the Linux 3.7 and Linux 3.8 kernels. AMD was finally pushed to support these modern kernels by the forthcoming release of Ubuntu 13.04, which is based on Linux 3.8.
Some of the OpenGL fixes to the new AMD Catalyst 13.3 Beta are for Serious Sam 3 and Team Fortress 2. A graphics related issue taken care of are black OpenGL windows when running KDE's KWin compositing window manager with its X RENDER back-end.
Aside from the graphics fixes, this new Catalyst driver resolves several issues around their PowerXpress technology on Linux.
The Linux x86/x86_64 graphics driver plus more information on the changes can be found out from While released today, the web-page labels the new driver as Catalyst 13.3 Beta 3. Back in March was an earlier Catalyst 13.3 Beta 3.