Wine Benchmarks Get Updated Too

Stefan Dösinger of CodeWeavers and one of the well known upstream Wine contributors has long been using Phoronix Test Suite / for Wine benchmarking. To his Wine benchmarks he has updated this week:
Half-Life 2 - His Half-Life 2 benchmark for Windows/Wine now has configurable MSAA (Multi-Sample Anti-Aliasing) support and other improvements.
TrackMania Nations - This other Wine gaming test also has configurable MSAA levels now too.
Unreal Tournament 2004 - Earlier this month he fixed up his UT2k4 test profile with some changes.
World In Conflict - MSAA can now also be configured.
He's also sent me over a revised Unigine Heaven test profile for switching between OpenGL/DirectX renderers, MSAA, and tessellation.
Based upon these changes in the past few days, it seems that now with Mesa's Gallium3D supporting MSAA, him/CodeWeavers is interested in making sure anti-aliasing works out well when using Wine and that the performance is acceptable.
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