Phoronix Meet-Up - New York City - 21 December

21 December 2012 might be the day that the world ends according to the Mayans or the day that Enlightenment E17 is finally released, so what better way to celebrate than enjoy a few beverages while discussing Linux hardware and open-source software? (Better yet, as usual for Phoronix meet-ups, those that buy your's truly a beer receive a subscription to Phoronix Premium.)
The location within Manhattan and time for the Phoronix meet-up are still to be determined based upon interest level. If you're from the New York City area and would be interested in the Phoronix meet-up that day, reply to this thread within the forums or let me know via Twitter (@MichaelLarabel). For any Linux professionals or organizations within NYC that would like to discuss the Phoronix Test Suite or other matters, contact me if you would like to meet separately. More details forthcoming.
Other recent Phoronix meet-ups have been the annual Phoronix at Oktoberfest, the Munich summer event, Boston/Cambridge, and the great Oslo event, among others.
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