Lightspark 0.5.6 Brings New Flash Features

Key improvements for Lightspark 0.5.6 are mentioned on the blog of Alessandro Pignotti, Lightspark's lead developer:
- Fix YouTube support for several videos
- Support for custom serialization/deserialization
- Support RPC (NetConnection::call)
- Support for PNG images
- Experimental support for Google Street View
- Support for Firefox 10
There's also the "usual load of stability fixes." Pignotti explains he is also trying to better support Lightspark's ability to handle YouTube and Farmville. "As you can see experimental support for Google Street View is now available (kudos to Antti Ajanki for this). Moreover, the RPC and serialization support has been written in an ongoing effort by me to support FarmVille and similar highly interactive and complex flash games. We are definitely expanding the scope of what is considered supported, but there are still some unfinished corners in YouTube support, and many other video players do not work yet."
The code to this latest Lightspark Flash Player release is available from