Linux 4.10 Kernel Released
Linus Torvalds has released the Linux 4.10 kernel.
As of writing this article, Torvalds hasn't put out anything on the mailing list but Linux 4.10 is out.
If you are not familiar with the new Linux 4.10 features, see our complete feature overview or if you are in a rush there is ten exciting features of Linux 4.10 as well as ten features you won't find in mainline Linux 4.10.
Onward to Linux 4.11 development.
As of writing this article, Torvalds hasn't put out anything on the mailing list but Linux 4.10 is out.
If you are not familiar with the new Linux 4.10 features, see our complete feature overview or if you are in a rush there is ten exciting features of Linux 4.10 as well as ten features you won't find in mainline Linux 4.10.
Onward to Linux 4.11 development.