Intel's Vulkan Driver Should Be Merged Into Mainline Mesa Very Soon

Since Intel published their open-source Vulkan Linux driver back on launch day, it's been in a Mesa Git branch. However, now that the Intel Vulkan driver is getting into good shape and the changes against mainline Mesa are getting there too, the Open-Source Technology Center developers are planning for the merge to happen soon.
Jason Ekstrand of Intel laid out plans where once the changes against Mesa are reviewed on the mailing list and land in mainline Mesa, he will do the Git merge of the rest of the code: basically the build system changes and the landing of all the new Intel Vulkan driver source files.
There still is Intel driver code and NIR patches that need to be reviewed, but this lead Intel Linux Vulkan driver developer is hoping to see the code all merged "some time this week or next."
The details about these Intel Vulkan driver merging plans for Mesa can be found via this mailing list post.