Intel Linux Graphics Driver Preparing NN Integer Mode Scaling

The nearest-neighbor integer mode scaling support aims to provide better clarity to images when upscaled from say 1280 x 720 to 3840 x 2160 (or any other integer multiple of the original source image) compared to other scaling techniques. The integer scaling mode is particularly useful for pixel art video games that can otherwise lose their sharp edges when upscaled.
Those wanting to learn more about Intel's integer scaling support can do so via where they detail their Windows implementation and also provide some screenshots with/without integer scaling.
Volleyed today by Intel's open-source graphics driver developers were the experimental patches for nearest-neighbor integer mode scaling support. With just over 130 lines of new code, the Intel i915 DRM Linux kernel driver is wired up to support this nearest-neighbor mode when the up-scaling ratio is an integer. Important to note, however, is that this integer scaling support is limited to Icelake "Gen 11" graphics and newer.
It's too late for these Linux patches to land for the upcoming Linux 5.4 merge window but puts it as an exciting feature to look forward to by Intel Linux gamers likely with the 5.5 kernel that will be coming in early 2020.