Intel 2018Q1 Graphics Stack Recipe

The Intel Graphics Stack Recipe is the company's recommended configuration for an optimal and supported open-source graphics driver experience for their Intel HD/UHD/Iris Graphics found on Intel processors.
The 2018Q1 Intel Graphics Stack Recipe for a recommended configuration is using the Linux 4.16 kernel, Mesa 18.0, xf86-video-intel 2.99.917, libdrm 2.4.91, libva 2.1.0, VA-API Intel Driver 2.1.0, Cairo 1.15.10, and X.Org Server 1.20 RC1.
Overall no real surprises except for the xf86-video-intel DDX continuing to be recommended even though the long overdue xf86-video-intel 3.0 release hasn't happened after waiting for years and this Intel DDX driver is basically unmaintained now and most users end up running the generic xf86-video-modesetting DDX. Intel is also recommending using the X.Org Server 1.20 release candidates since that xorg-server update is also long overdue but will hopefully ship as stable in the weeks ahead.
Intel's 2018Q1 recommendations can be found at