ISD: A New Interactive Way For systemd Management

ISD provides a text user interface with fuzzy search, auto-refreshing previews, better sudo handling, and other features to make it easer interacting with systemd management both for experienced Linux users as well as novice users. Basically ISD is an all-encompassing TUI for interacting with systemd rather than having to known the various systemd commands and options directly.
ISD also allows theming, managing both system and user units, and a variety of other features for making it easier interacting with systemd.
The first public release of ISD was last week and has continued seeing changes since. The code is licensed under the GNU GPLv3.
Those wanting to learn more about this interactive systemd can do so via ISD on GitHub. The ISD documentation outlines more of the features and capabilities of ISD at this point in its pre-1.0 state.