GCC 6 Becoming Auxiliary Compiler In OpenIndiana

OpenIndiana is still relying upon GCC 4.4 to compile the core of its operating system and a GCC 4.9.4-based compiler for its user-space components. GCC 5.4 was added last year though for handling newer packages needing C++11 or other newer compiler features. GCC 6.3 is now being worked on as another complementary option for packages needing newer C/C++ functionality or features like the latest OpenMP capabilities. At this point though, GCC 6.3 is mostly there for testing purposes on OpenIndiana. It doesn't appear OI developers are planning on gutting their GCC4 compiler options in the immediate future, but are eyeing at eventually doing so when everything is fully ready and vetted.
Those wishing to learn more about the current GCC compiler options on OpenIndiana can find the details via this OpenIndiana.org post.