GCC 11 Is On The Final Stage Of Development With 60+ High Priority Regressions

GCC 11 release manager Richard Biener this morning announced GCC 11 is now in stage four development meaning only regression fixes and documentation fixes are allowed. As of this morning the code-base is at 62 P1 regressions, another 334 P2 regressions, 35 P3 regressions, and more than 200 regressions of the lower P4/P5 status.
Per the GCC development process, during this final stage (four) only regression fixes are allowed along with other important bugs like wrong code generation or build issues. Those 64 P1 regressions now need to either be resolved in the weeks ahead or deemed not actually as high priority so they can be dropped to a lower tier and unblock the release.
The GCC 11.1 stable release should come by May but occasionally has landed in the April timeframe as well, but it all depends upon when the quality release is ready to ship. A GCC 11 feature overview and benchmarks will be on Phoronix in the weeks ahead.