FreeBSD Working On S0ix Sleep State Support For Newer Laptops

Aymeric Wibo presented at FOSDEM 2025 this weekend in Brussels on the work being done for working toward S0ix support on FreeBSD. With newer laptops abandoning ACPI S3 support in favor of S0ix states, it's becoming more important to begin handling S0ix on FreeBSD. Aymeric is being sponsored by the FreeBSD Foundation to work on this support.
This work remains in-progress toward eventually allowing S0i3 sleep state support as well as allowing hibernation and user-defined wake rule handling.
This is part of a broader effort by the FreeBSD Foundation for improving laptop support at large on FreeBSD including other areas like sound and better WiFi support too. AMD has been involved with this effort by the FreeBSD Foundation for enhancing the hardware support.
Those interested in S0ix and better power management on FreeBSD can see the slide deck from Aymeric Wibo's FOSDEM presentation. He's also maintaining this blog covering his FreeBSD work. Additionally, this FreeBSD Foundation GitHub tracker is being used for tracking laptop enhancements at large for FreeBSD.