Dell Is Exploring The Use Of Coreboot, At Least Internally

An email sent by a Dell developer onto a public mailing list began with the marking, "Dell - Internal Use - Confidential." In there he comments on Dell using Coreboot, "We are using the coreboot project with Intel fsp to boot the Intel Rangeley based Mohonpeak CPU. We have built the Tianocore EDK2 project and used it as the payload to bring UEFI services to this bootloader."
The developer went on to ask a question to Coreboot developers about booting multiple UEFI operating systems when Coreboot is running on the board.
Mohon Peak is the Intel codename for Atom C2000 series processors, for newer Atom-based x86 servers. These Rangeley CPUs have been around for a few years now, based on the older 22nm process. But still that's a more appealing platform than many of the even-older Intel/AMD platforms where Coreboot/Libreboot is commonly used.
The message was posted to the public Coreboot mailing list.
It will be interesting to see if Dell ends up releasing systems/motherboards making use of Coreboot. But keep in mind, this would likely be for their server/workstation products where there would be greater demand rather than in consumer products. And their current usage of Coreboot at least with this Rangeley/Mohonpeak is an older Intel platform. Lastly, they are still making use of the Intel FSP (Firmware Support Package) and thus isn't a libre system with still mixing binary blobs with Coreboot. Nevertheless, it will be interesting to see what comes of this.