Initial Freeze Dates Announced For Debian 13.0 "Trixie"

Per a mailing list post this evening, Debian 13 is set for its transition and toolchain freeze on 15 March, the soft freeze on 15 April, and then the hard freeze on 15 May. With the hard freeze it's for key packages and packages without autopkgtests. The full and final freeze for Debian 13.0 after that hard freeze is still to-be-determined and will be announced at a later date.
Debian 12 for perspective had its transition and toolchain freeze beginning on 12 January 2023 while the actual release occurred on 10 June 2023. It's been about ~5 months from the first freezes to actual stable release. If going by those freeze timings, Debian 13.0 could debut as stable in August and that aligns as well with previous expectations mentioned on Phoronix for the likely point of seeing this next major Debian Linux release.
Long story short, the Debian 13 freezes will begin in March and hopefully before the end of summer we'll have Debian 13.0 as stable.