"Cage" Sees Initial Test Release For Kiosk-Like Wayland Compositor

Former libratbag+Piper GSoC developer Jente Hidskes has spent the past number of months working on this kiosk-oriented Wayland compositor where to date there hasn't been too much activity. He's working on this kiosk-like Wayland compositor as part of a home automation project. Cage is building atop Sway's WLROOTS Wayland library for sharing support and doing much of the heavy lifting.
Released on Tuesday was the first pre-release. This initial pre-release of Cage has support for XDG-Shell, XWayland, various input forms, idle inhibit, server-side decorations, copy/paste, damage tracking, and other standard compositor features.
Those wishing to learn more about the Cage compositor can do so via Jente's blog.