Pipeline Statistics Queries Wired Up For Intel ANV Vulkan Driver

Pipeline statistics queries allow applications to query a set of Vulkan pipeline counters. Developers interested in learning more about the feature can see the Vulkan documentation.
Intel developer Jason Ekstrand sent out a set of 12 patches today, including an earlier patch by
Ilia Mirkin for pipelineStatisticsQuery, for adding the necessary functionality to Intel ANV. The patches for review can be found on Mesa-dev. A benefit of the patches is that some bug fixes in them do fix rendering corruption for Intel with The Talos Principle.
Besides pipeline statistics queries, other features ANV still has yet to implement in Mesa Git for device features are multi-draw indirect, depth bounds, shadow storage image multi-sample, shader storage image read without format, int16 shader support, shader resource min lod, variable multi-sample rate, and inherited queries.
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