Mesa, Vulkan & Other Driver Talks From 2017 Embedded Linux Conference

Jason Ekstrand of Intel's Linux open-source graphics team talked about their work on the Intel open-source Vulkan driver and about "what Vulkan can do for you." The slide deck won't be of much value if you are a dedicated Phoronix reader that has kept up to speed with our 100+ Vulkan articles over the past year, but if you haven't, the slide deck may prove of some value or if looking for a convenient PDF presentation to try to turn others onto Vulkan. You can see Jason's slides here.
Mark Janes of Intel presented on Mesa for embedded use-cases. You can see his PDF slides but they alone hold very little value unless you are brand new to the Linux graphics space.
Gustavo Padovan of Collabora meanwhile presented on the Unifying Android and Mainline Kernel Graphics Stack with all the work that's been happening around atomic mode-setting, synchronization, and more. This presentation is probably my favorite of the ELC2017 graphics talks at least in terms of technical value.
Also somewhat related for the ELC2017 graphics talks is Laurent Pinchart's video codec driver session.
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