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Visitor message from deppman


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Last Activity: 22 April 2024, 07:29 PM
Joined: 06 August 2012
Location: Wroclaw, Poland

  • Visitor message from deppman

    deppman posted a Visitor Message for mmstick
    Hi mmstick:

    We had numerous conversations and emails in October. Obviously I have condensed these into the essence of the response. Ultimately, the representative said they did not want to pursue a project like this. That's fine. So we went ahead with the project with other team members.

    We love S76 and the products. Not a fan of yet-another-desktop though. As for the PPA stuff, that's great. But not having full disk encryption out of the box *unless* one selects Pop! OS is a problem. I think this is a case where marketing is using artificial means to push their preferred option.

    Sorry for the PM but I am done with this thread. If you look at some of the responses its obvious that we have quite a few delusional folks that a probably best left debate among themselves how they are going to stuff an RX480 into a slim and light laptop.

    Thanks for reaching out. I hope we can work together at some point.

    Sincerely, Mike

  • deppman
    I should also mention that the "app packs" presented to me were not anything associated with the repos. It was the idea of a well focused set of applications defined by industry with "out of the box" usability.
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