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Phoronix Member
Last Activity: 23 October 2014, 08:01 PM
Joined: 10 July 2012
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03 May 2013, 05:55 PM
AMD Catalyst AI Performance With "Tonga" On Ubuntu Linux (Topic in the Radeon Linux Drivers forum)
17 October 2014, 08:29 AM
An Ubuntu MATE Desktop Spin Might Still Materialize (Topic in the Linux Distributions forum)
17 June 2014, 08:00 AM
Arch BSD Is Still Around & Keeping It Simple (Topic in the BSD, Apple macOS, Hurd & Others forum)
27 October 2013, 12:45 PM
Benchmarks Of NVIDIA's New Linux GPU Driver (Topic in the NVIDIA Linux forum)
27 April 2013, 10:02 PM
Catalyst 14.3 Beta Linux Driver Fixes OpenGL Performance Issues (Topic in the Radeon Linux Drivers forum)
03 April 2014, 05:37 AM
Catalyst 14.4 Has Advantages Over Linux 3.15 + Mesa 10.3 Git (Topic in the Radeon Linux Drivers forum)
19 July 2014, 04:22 AM
Codemasters Will Eventually Port Games To Linux (Topic in the Linux Gaming forum)
07 May 2014, 10:47 AM
Eight-Way BSD & Linux OS Comparison (Topic in the BSD, Apple macOS, Hurd & Others forum)
29 May 2013, 08:38 PM
Fedora 18 Will Get 256 Color Terminals (Topic in the Linux Distributions forum)
11 July 2012, 01:17 PM
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