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Last Activity: 22 January 2025, 10:24 PM
Joined: 03 May 2008
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5 Months And Still No UT3 For Linux (Topic in the Linux Gaming forum)
16 October 2008, 06:57 AM
America's Army 3.0 "May Return" To Linux (Topic in the Linux Gaming forum)
12 February 2009, 12:49 PM
America's Army Returning To Linux? (Topic in the Linux Gaming forum)
11 September 2008, 10:53 PM
Icculus Ports Prey Game Client To Linux (Topic in the Linux Gaming forum)
08 December 2008, 04:31 AM
KDE 3.5 rant (Topic in the General Discussion forum)
30 June 2010, 05:05 PM
Looks like Valve needs Linux developers. (Topic in the Linux Gaming forum)
27 September 2008, 02:30 PM
Mesa 7.5 RC3 Brings Build, Bug Fixes (Topic in the OpenGL, Mesa & Gallium3D forum)
10 June 2009, 03:12 PM
New Volume Control Interface For GNOME (Topic in the Desktop Linux forum)
20 January 2009, 09:50 PM
One Year Later There's No UT3 Client For Linux (Topic in the Linux Gaming forum)
17 December 2008, 05:36 AM
Prey Linux Retail Client Released (Topic in the Linux Gaming forum)
10 February 2009, 05:30 PM
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