Git 2.48 Released With Initial Support For The Meson Build System

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  • rookie701010
    Originally posted by mobadboy View Post

    i even oopsed my HEAD and recovered it thanks to git reflog.
    git reflog and stash are superpowers. I do lots of rebase work, and those tools are life savers. Also, cherry-picking a range is neat.

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  • rookie701010
    Originally posted by uid313 View Post

    Works fine until it doesn't, when you have a detached head, when you need to pick a merge strategy, when you get a merge conflict, when you need to squash commits or rebase.
    Can't really complain. Maybe on git am (I have a case that doesn't work, currently) but generally it is just quite useful. I'm mostly using the cli, though.

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  • mobadboy
    Originally posted by ssokolow View Post

    I'll probably regret this, but I'll raise my hand as someone who is fine with Git and also likes Rust.

    I'm pretty sure i've mentioned this before but I can code in C... I just don't like the busywork. The point of programming is to automate that stuff away.
    basically everyone who can code in rust can code in c. it's just a lot more code for the same output and way more footguns. every single person makes mistakes and, at real jobs, there are always going to be periods where you're crunched, exhausted and more likely to make mistakes. unfortunately though i don't think weasel has had that experience.

    also the preprocessor is the most disgusting piece of garbage in the history of programming relative to its use. there are worse things, for sure, but the preprocessor is essentially required. want to know what for_each_x_in_y does? gotta read the code, completely non-obvious from the name. but again, weasel gives strong vibes of coding like:

    int x, y, z;
    x = a * b / c;
    y = h(x % 9001);
    z = v(j(k(l(m(y))));
    do_for(x, y, z) {
      z *= o(p(x, y, z));
    wanna know what literally any of it does? good luck, skill issue
    Last edited by mobadboy; 12 January 2025, 01:51 PM.

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  • ssokolow
    Originally posted by Weasel View Post
    I have a feeling most people who can't grasp git are also those who pick Rust religiously over C. Skill issues and all. uid313 fits the bill already so there's precedent.
    I'll probably regret this, but I'll raise my hand as someone who is fine with Git and also likes Rust.

    I'm pretty sure i've mentioned this before but I can code in C... I just don't like the busywork. The point of programming is to automate that stuff away.

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  • Weasel
    I have a feeling most people who can't grasp git are also those who pick Rust religiously over C. Skill issues and all. uid313 fits the bill already so there's precedent.

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  • hamishmb
    Originally posted by uid313 View Post
    Is anyone of you happy with Git?
    Yep, I'm happy with git.

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  • uid313
    Originally posted by Abacus123 View Post
    My organization is still stuck with TFS unfortunately and it's annoying because it only seems to work on windows + visual studio. We've been talking about switching over to git since it's more flexible with the OSes and IDEs it supports but switching all the repositories over looks like a daunting, time consuming task for our relatively small IT department. Anyone else ever had to deal with changing version control systems?
    I think Microsoft suggests just simply importing the TFS repository into your Git repository without preserving any history.

    For Azure DevOps, Microsoft also suggests that you put all your repositories in just one big project and that you do not create one project per repository.

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  • Havin_it
    Originally posted by Danny3 View Post

    I'm not as it refuses to be a full changes tracking system.
    After all these years and development it still doesn't track empty folders and because of that if you want to sync two folders across the network, unless absolutely each folder has something in it, you will not have a perfect copy on the destination side.
    Too bad since that rsync, while it doesn't have this problem, it has doesn't use SHA1 checksums and it's still not clear if the checksum algorithm it uses is actually done on the destination too after the items have been written.
    It isn't. Sending side sends an MD5 sum (of the whole file; entirely separate to the progressive checksumming used in transmission proto) with every changed file, and receiving side uses this to verify the transfer - but not the disk write.

    A simple way to verify the writes would be to repeat the op (with -c flag) but that's a slow process. Would be better if it had a switch to use those already-provided checksums to verify writes. Maybe that's worth suggesting?

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  • archkde
    Originally posted by uid313 View Post
    Is anyone of you happy with Git?
    If you like Mercurial but have to use Git, you may want to check out jj.

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  • anda_skoa
    Originally posted by fez9 View Post
    We switched over 100 TFS repos at my old job using git-tfs bridge to bring in all the history of the main branch, worked out pretty good, tough we did it incremental one repo at the time.
    This is also what the GitHub documentation suggests to do.

    Microsoft has also documentation for such transitions. After all they had to do it themselves.

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