Rustls Multi-Threaded Performance Is Battering OpenSSL

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  • bacteriamanicure
    Phoronix Member
    • Feb 2024
    • 68

    Out of curiosity if I say "good guys don't fund armies that every human rights expert on earth agree is committing genocide" is that a step too far or do I get to cite israel as a damnation of western society
    I'm willing to go without it just to keep some semblance of civility. People who argue that nothing justifies oct 7 but oct 7 justifies anything aren't known for holding back against civilians


    • darkonix
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2021
      • 395

      Originally posted by sdack View Post
      While I do not like the tone in this discussion, the Rust community is taking a great risk with this particular project. If Rustls shows to be more secure and faster than other implementations, then not much will happen and Rust will continue to claim its usefulness and place. If the Rustls project shows to be as or less secure however, then it will undermine the assumption that using Rust would lead to more secure software. A failure to provide a more secure implementation will have greater consequences for the Rust language and its community. Hopefully will they make sure this is not going to happen but continue to be good competition.
      As with any other language there is no monolithic Rust community in charge of managing every project. Some people work in this particular project. The rest of the 'community' are just looking by and have zero influence.


      • bacteriamanicure
        Phoronix Member
        • Feb 2024
        • 68

        Originally posted by TheMightyBuzzard View Post

        Oh, you're wanting to catch me in a "your government funded evil crap, so you're evil" kind of thing? No, I hate my government plenty. Your team is just the more insane side at the moment or you'd think I was with you.

        I've read every amendment. And the unamended document. Many times. And every time I do I wonder anew if I could talk Congress out of a Letter of Marque, so I could take up the life of a privateer.
        The idea was more damning western society as the abstract concept people talk about than you personally. I'm sure you yourself have no issue benefitting from foreign slave labor I just want to argue against the myth of western civilization
        Last edited by bacteriamanicure; 03 December 2024, 02:26 PM. Reason: Typos


        • Raka555
          Junior Member
          • Nov 2018
          • 681

          Originally posted by BwackNinja View Post
          I'd like to see how BearSSL performs against these. I don't imagine it would win, but it would give an interesting comparison point.
          I am also curious about how BearSSL will do, but I don't think they use hand optimized assembly like the others, so tend to think it won't do that well. I still like the no dynamic memory though.
          Last edited by Raka555; 03 December 2024, 02:31 PM.


          • bacteriamanicure
            Phoronix Member
            • Feb 2024
            • 68

            Anyway seeing as most of the anti-woke mob went silent and it's mostly just me and some other guy yapping over nothing I think now's as good a time as any for me to get back to work
            It was fun talking at you


            • gufide
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2013
              • 299

              Originally posted by fotomar View Post
              Because of the whole absurd mess, we lost a productive volunteer.

              Indeed. This situation is a mess. And I think his response was as stupid as the complaint itself since we lost a productive volunteer.

              Originally posted by fotomar View Post
              Thats just not how the real word works
              It's sadly exactly how the real world works in the sense that everywhere there are stupid rules and how you respond to those rules defines everything, and can do a positive impact on rules in the future depending on how you act. I find incredibly stupid that being a registered sex offender still allows you to have sessions with beginners in conferences and also still allows you to be in a position of power in the committee (and causing the loss of many extremely good contributors) whereas it should absolutely not. Despite this, saying "question" can ban you, and the accused person made the worst choice possible in response. This whole thing is absolute stupidity. I think we can agree on this.

              My point was that if some think it's some pink and light blue programmer socks people that orchestrated this, they cannot be more wrong. They would have been the first people to put a tight CoC in the committee, but the committee is in a system that literally cannot enforce any CoC (ISO). Most of those people left long ago.


              • fotomar
                Phoronix Member
                • Jun 2024
                • 104

                Originally posted by gufide View Post

                ...and the accused person made the worst choice possible in response.
                Why on earth should a technical contributor be expected to apologize for something no reasonable person thinks he did?

                In the real world, he walks off in disgust, taking his considerable skills with him to all of our detriment -- and to his benefit.

                THAT is how the real world works


                • TheMightyBuzzard
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2021
                  • 439

                  Originally posted by DumbFsck View Post
                  As a neutral, I'm pretty sure "rabidly attacking" is much more often done by "those not drinking the kool-aid".
                  You think? I don't believe you know where the middle over here actually is in relation to you.
                  Originally posted by DumbFsck View Post
                  This I absolutely disagree with, so I'd first ask you specifically what defines "woke ideal/policy", as in, what criteria have to be met so you include in this list. Because to say that every single one is against western society values means we have different definitions, either there or in what constitute "western society". Some examples of policy that I consider "woke" and at the same time beneficial to everyone, even anti-woke people, include being against segregation, affordable housing programmes (Austria has a few shining examples), in America I like how CA mandated companies to offer paid family leave (and ofc I think the father being home is as important as the mother for the children, and having properly cared for children seems to me like a good societal ideal), a lot of environmental measures are labeled as "woke" and a lot of them I judge as good policy (although I do judge a few of them too much or unrealistic or sometimes just for show/rhetorical/masturbatory), a lot of justice system reform in America is also "woke" and needed, body cameras for police is a good example, accountability is nice. Of course there is more, I'm European and have spoken in this forum about gun regulations, I'm pro civilian armament but also think there should be more control than what some US states do.
                  Yep, I was correct. You're not neutral, you're a moderate progressive by US standards.

                  Segregation and the opposition to it predate wokeness by a long, long time. Wokeness now in fact embraces segregation and racism in the name of "safe spaces" and "equity". The entire intersectional movement is predicated on discrimination and serves nothing except to divide us. Scientifically proven, that.

                  Most of the rest of that are just socialist wish-list things that have nothing to do with wokeness except that the same people over here tend to like both lately.
                  Originally posted by DumbFsck View Post
                  Omissions from the list does not mean the omitted policies are not indirectly or directly beneficial to you or society, I only gave those listed as examples because they are low hanging fruit we can all agree with.

                  Do you disagree those are beneficial to society? Or do they not fit in your definition of "woke"?
                  Woke != socialist or leftist. Woke = politically weaponized intersectional victimhood and the attempted normalization and indoctrination thereof. No delusion is so absurd that it should not be privileged at the expense of the majority in the name of a compassion.
                  Originally posted by DumbFsck View Post
                  Do you have examples of western societies that had to adapt to the "undesirable" immigrant's culture?

                  I do agree that there are good and bad immigrants, and that accepting the local culture and integrating with the local society are necessary (but not sufficient) for someone to be a "good immigrant", I myself have lived in many countries, but always tried to integrate as much as possible. What I disagree is that I've never seen locals being made to change their way of life to that of the immigrant - to be extreme: I haven't seen an European country adopting sharia law (exaggerating for the sake of argument).

                  Do you have examples of society being changed for the worse through policy that was changed because or for the benefit of immigrants as opposed to locals? I don't mean facilitating immigration, or how "bad" or "good" the change in demographics in itself are, I mean changes in law that makes the host country more similar to the immigrant's country.
                  Germany? The United Kingdom? France?

                  Huge areas of the nations having no roots whatsoever to the nation they're occupying and continuing on like they were where they came from, including not knowing and refusing to learn the language. Massively increased violent crime. Say something publicly against completely open immigration policy, Maoist struggle session then jail. Complain about rapes, murders, and other flavors of lawlessness from incoming immigrants? Maoist struggle session then jail.

                  Sweeden is finally getting wise and trying to get rid of some of them. Poland I'm absolutely proud of for flatly refusing to allow itself to be destroyed by forced migrant acceptance. Russia I'm not counting since they're way more Asian than European.

                  A small amount of immigration is a good thing. I mean, you're talking to someone from the Great American Melting Pot here. We let any culture in, let them do what they like unless it conflicts with our laws, steal anything from their culture that strikes our fancy, and give them our culture in return. That is how immigration should be done.

                  That is not how it is being done though. The past four years the US has increased in population by around 10% solely from illegal border crossers with zero desire to integrate into our culture. No single decade, much less a four year span, should ever be something you can point to and say "their culture shifted greatly because of immigrants", yet the past ten years can easily be pointed to by the US and nearly all of Europe.


                  • TheMightyBuzzard
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2021
                    • 439

                    Originally posted by bacteriamanicure View Post
                    Out of curiosity if I say "good guys don't fund armies that every human rights expert on earth agree is committing genocide" is that a step too far or do I get to cite israel as a damnation of western society
                    I'm willing to go without it just to keep some semblance of civility. People who argue that nothing justifies oct 7 but oct 7 justifies anything aren't known for holding back against civilians
                    You need to get yourself a dictionary and look up the word "genocide". Then you need to listen to the people who are opposing Israel. One side is actually advocating genocide and it's not the one you want to acknowledge.


                    • TheMightyBuzzard
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2021
                      • 439

                      Originally posted by bacteriamanicure View Post

                      The idea was more damning western society as the abstract concept people talk about than you personally. I'm sure you yourself have no issue benefitting from foreign slave labor I just want to argue against the myth of western civilization
                      Do I sound like an Apple user to you? I buy American when at all possible and wouldn't touch anything I knew was made with slave labor.

                      See, you were supposed to be taught critical thinking in college. That means assuming everyone talking to you is full of shit until you can't refute their argument. You were only taught to "deconstruct" one side though. The other you've been conditioned to blindly accept. Western society may have its flaws that need fixing but it is a far greater society than has ever existed on this Earth throughout its history.

