Rustls Multi-Threaded Performance Is Battering OpenSSL

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  • bacteriamanicure
    Phoronix Member
    • Feb 2024
    • 67

    Originally posted by TheMightyBuzzard View Post

    You need to get yourself a dictionary and look up the word "genocide". Then you need to listen to the people who are opposing Israel. One side is actually advocating genocide and it's not the one you want to acknowledge.
    I think you should listen to israeli government officials when they call to cut gaza's population in half and say they're fighting animals and must let in no food or water
    They're not exactly hiding the intent


    • TheMightyBuzzard
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2021
      • 416

      Originally posted by bacteriamanicure View Post

      I think you should listen to israeli government officials when they call to cut gaza's population in half and say they're fighting animals and must let in no food or water
      They're not exactly hiding the intent
      And yet, that is still not genocide. Words have meanings and it is not subject to change whenever you want shock value. Palestine and Iran in particular actually advocate genocide; the destruction of the Israelis. Not to surrender, not to punitive measures beyond surrender, not to massive deaths, actual complete genocide of the Israeli people.

      Don't get me wrong. I think we should stop funding them. They don't need our help or our money and we're under no obligation to them. And we should execute every Israeli spy they have in our nation. They have far more agents here than any other nation, including Russia and China. That is not the act of an ally. But they are not the bad guys in the Middle East. They're the more or less middle of the road but absolutely ruthless guys being attacked by actual bad guys.
      Last edited by TheMightyBuzzard; 03 December 2024, 03:11 PM.


      • bacteriamanicure
        Phoronix Member
        • Feb 2024
        • 67

        Originally posted by TheMightyBuzzard View Post

        Do I sound like an Apple user to you? I buy American when at all possible and wouldn't touch anything I knew was made with slave labor.

        See, you were supposed to be taught critical thinking in college. That means assuming everyone talking to you is full of shit until you can't refute their argument. You were only taught to "deconstruct" one side though. The other you've been conditioned to blindly accept. Western society may have its flaws that need fixing but it is a far greater society than has ever existed on this Earth throughout its history.
        I'll bite. Who made your phone?


        • bacteriamanicure
          Phoronix Member
          • Feb 2024
          • 67

          Originally posted by TheMightyBuzzard View Post

          And yet, that is still not genocide. Words have meanings and it is not subject to change whenever you want shock value. Palestine and Iran in particular actually advocate genocide; the destruction of the Israelis. Not to surrender, not to punitive measures beyond surrender, not to massive deaths, actual complete genocide of the Israeli people.
          And if I were to call israelis animals and say they should have no food or water, that the only way to achieve peace is to obliterate them, call their existence an affront to morality, would you say I'm not calling for the extermination of israelis?


          • BwackNinja
            Senior Member
            • Jul 2012
            • 144

            Originally posted by Raka555 View Post

            I am also curious about how BearSSL will do, but I don't think they use hand optimized assembly like the others, so tend to think it won't do that well. I still like the no dynamic memory though.
            BearSSL also uses constant-time algorithms, which makes it even more interesting as a data point. Doing better than it may also be making compromises with security. Even ignoring that, I haven't seen any benchmarks at all of it compared to other TLS implementations, so even seeing it run at half or a quarter of the speed would be of interest because it has clear use cases. There's also so it should be easy to add to tests if they are run against the libtls api.

            EDIT: aws-lc (which rustls uses in for crypto by default) does implement constant-time elliptic-curve cryptography.
            Last edited by BwackNinja; 03 December 2024, 03:35 PM.


            • DumbFsck
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2023
              • 333

              Originally posted by TheMightyBuzzard View Post
              Woke != socialist or leftist. Woke = politically weaponized intersectional victimhood and the attempted normalization and indoctrination thereof. No delusion is so absurd that it should not be privileged at the expense of the majority in the name of a compassion.
              As I said, our disagreement must be on what you and I define as "woke" or what you and I define as "western values". Thank you for answering.

              Since your definition of "woke" is that narrow, that charged, and honestly THAT private (how many people do you think would agree your definition of woke is the best description of it? Also, how many "woke" people would accept that description?) - that is where our disagreement comes from.

              Also, here:
              Originally posted by TheMightyBuzzard View Post
              Yep, I was correct. You're not neutral, you're a moderate progressive by US standards.
              You clearly misunderstood what I wrote: I didn't say I was progressive, regressive, stationary moderate central left right above or beyond. I said I'm neutral as in - in dont get into discussions about pronouns and XoCs and etc., I'm not a Kool-Aid drinker neither a cyanide pointer. Maybe I don't think it's cyanide and maybe I don't think the kool-aid looks appealing.


              Originally posted by TheMightyBuzzard View Post
              Wokeness now in fact embraces segregation and racism in the name of "safe spaces" and "equity". The entire intersectional movement is predicated on discrimination and serves nothing except to divide us. Scientifically proven, that.
              I haven't seen this scientific proof, do you mind sharing? I take pride in forming and updating and changing opinions based on scientific evidence, so it would be nice.

              About immigration and other topics from my post, it would be nice if you actually read what I wrote and engaged with what was said. Then answeted the questions posed and kept to reality. Either you didn't want to, couldn't, or tried and failed. If you need clarifying, like you needed on the "neutral" meaning in context, just ask instead of rambling, there's no need for it.


              • bacteriamanicure
                Phoronix Member
                • Feb 2024
                • 67

                The wikipedia article "Gaza Genocide" has many great quotes from israeli government officials (and citations, since wikipedia is ontologically non-canon)

                "there are no innocent civilians there"
                "All the civilian population in Gaza is ordered to leave immediately. We will win. They will not receive a drop of water or a single battery until they leave the world."
                "it might be justified and moral" to "starve 2 million people"
                "Gaza will become a place where no human being can exist" and "Creating a severe humanitarian crisis in Gaza is a necessary means to achieving the goal."

                I don't think you'd forgive hamas for saying this about israelis


                • johnny
                  Junior Member
                  • Sep 2009
                  • 22

                  Originally posted by TheMightyBuzzard View Post

                  Not dramatic. Not angry. Not afraid.

                  It's very obvious to anyone who isn't drinking the Kool-Aid and rabidly attacking anyone who points out the big box of cyanide in the kitchen. Every single woke ideal/policy is designed to fragment Western society. Every last one. There isn't a single one that doesn't or that produces anything that works to further these societies. Therefore the only explanation for them is they aren't designed to further society but to fragment and destroy it. The support of mass immigration from failed, violent cultures without attempting to have the immigrants adapt to Western culture (instead of the other way around) should have been a major clue.
                  it sounds like you're the one doing the fragmenting to me.


                  • sdack
                    Senior Member
                    • Mar 2011
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                    Originally posted by oleid View Post
                    What would it take to convince you that rusttls is secure?
                    It does not take much. It is a matter of time and exposure for me.

                    A 12-page document that partly talks about "code impressions" is not something I take seriously. It is like saying "there are less white people in prisons" and then go on saying that white people in general seem to commit less crimes. It is unprofessional to blur facts and appearances, and puts everything into question. Present facts as facts. Present as many as you can. Leave illusions to others. Just my opinion. I am not trying to flame the author. I am just not happy reading such documents.


                    • TheMightyBuzzard
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2021
                      • 416

                      Originally posted by bacteriamanicure View Post

                      I'll bite. Who made your phone?
                      Samsung. I hate the bloody thing but at least Vietnam, as far as I know, doesn't actually use slave labor.

